Monday, September 20, 2010
The Governing Council of the Chartered Institute of Bankers of Nigeria (CIBN) has the pleasure to announce the appointment of Mr. Olufemi Awoyemi, Chief Executive of Proshare Nigeria Limited as a Member of the Research And Strategic Planning Committee for a term of two years, 2010 – 2012.
In this role, he would be expected to work with other distinguished members of the committee to perform an advisory role to the institute – through the provision of technical assistance to the Research and Strategic Planning Department by identifying, examining and recommending to Council, vital issues concerning the financial system and the economy in general; amongst other key deliverables.
The Chartered Institute of Bankers of Nigeria is mindful of the role its members play in shaping the future of the financial system in Nigeria and is determined to undertake necessary reforms needed to enable the institute discharge its responsibilities and compete in an increasingly global financial marketplace.
The committee will be holding its inaugural meeting on Tuesday 28, September 2010 at the Bankers House by 11:00am.
About Olufemi AWOYEMI, FCA, AIOD
Olufemi Awoyemi, Founder and CEO of Proshare Nigeria Limited, holds a B.Sc. (Hons.) degree in Accounting from OSU. He is a Fellow of the Institutes of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria, Associate member of the Institute of Chartered Taxation, Institute of Management Consultants, the Nigerian Institute of Management, Nigerian Guild of Editors and the Institute of Directors.
Olufemi remains a hands-on knowledge management professional with an impeccable portfolio of commercial and consulting achievements garnered during the course of 23 years of progressive responsibility and results with well known local and international firms including PricewaterhouseCoopers, UAC of Nigeria, Eterna Oil & Gas Plc, Phillips Consulting, Fountain Trust Bank Plc, Change Management Associates and British American Tobacco where he left as a member of Senior Management with responsibilities for Treasury and Management Accounts.
At other times he had served as or deployed his skills in the following areas:
1.   Independent Board Member, Northwards Housing, Manchester City Council ALMO;
2.   Chairman, Board of Directors of Value Fronteria Limited, an economic policy & financial markets consultancy;
3.   Member, Membership Committee and Publicity & Publication Committee of the Nigerian-British Chamber of Commerce;
4.   Editorial Board member of the Lagos Business School Alumni Magazine.
5.   Convener, The Nigerian Investor Town Hall Meetings and Publisher of The Nigerian Capital Market Reports;
6.   Director, Proshare UK, Canada and USA;
7.   Principal Partner of Awoyemi & Co. (Chartered Accountants).
8.   Member Board of Trustees of Kingdom Life Ministries;
9.   Founding Editorial Board Chairman of Brandfaces, a brand marketing journal for three years;
10.          Former columnist for 5 years with Financial Standard and member of the Editorial Board;
11.          Founding CEO of Moneywise and Editor-in-Chief of Personal Finance, a collaborative publication between Moneywise and the SUN newspapers; and
12.          Paul Harris Fellow (2009) of the Rotary Club International.
He has fifty eight (58) publications on personal finance, investing and the Nigerian financial markets since 2004.