The management of Skye Bank Plc has advised its customers to embrace optimised internet banking portals with secure protocols, so as to help protect them from unwanted online fraud. A press statement from the bank yesterday further explained that the bank has redesigned and upgraded its website and content architecture so as to give more value to its customers.The bank stressed that the new website would be added value services that would make banking with it more convenient and accessible to its customers.
“The new website has been structured into segments to ensure that products and services available are efficiently targeted to particular segments to facilitate the transfer of information strategically. Moving away from the former style of providing information based on product and service groups, which translated into the loss of valuable information to our customers, we are now positioning our information based on consumer segments and in a more informed manner to ensure that our customers can access information that will benefit them in the long runâ€ÂÂ, the bank explained.
It said the new website would be able to treat information on the basis of consumer segments where information that satisfy the needs of each segment is exhaustively treated, and therefore preventing going around in a circle.  The bank said its ultimate objective is to move towards creating a virtual branch in which customers will be able to transact business as though they were in any of its branches using the internet as a service platform.
In addition, the bank said the improvement would manifest in the presentation of its investor relations information, offers, investment opportunities, features of all existing products and services and interactive customer experience function as well as online solution to all customer enquiries. “We will be focusing on the validity and integrity of our information as well as ensuring that our information is as current as possibleâ€ÂÂ, it said.
“With over 40 million internet users in Nigeria, a growth of about 22 per cent, between 2000 – 2010, the consumer behaviour online is changing and on its way to becoming a major medium of transacting business in Nigeria and because we understand this at Skye bank, we have begun to prepare for this inevitable growth and change in online behaviour,†the bank noted.